A Challenging Questionnaire

Here’s a challenging questionnaire build to confuse you. So don’t get lost with the questions and make sure you answer them correctly.

The actual order of the multiple choice questions are as follows;

a) Q1

b) Q2

c) Q3

d) Q4

The questions asked are self explanatory so just answer them out

Q1. Which is the first question where c) is the correct answer

a) Q3

b) Q4

c) Q1

d) Q2


Q2. Which is the first question where a) is the correct answer

a) Q4

b) Q2

c) Q3

d) Q1


Q3. Which is the first question where d) is the correct answer

a) Q1

b) Q2

c) Q4

d) Q3



Q4. Which is the first question where b) is the correct answer

a) Q2

b) Q4


c) Q3

d) Q1

Answer to the Challenging Question:

The trick to solve this is to solve it one at a time and not to try and solve all the questions together.

The Correct answers are as follows;

Q1. d
Q2. c
Q3. a
Q4. b


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